SBI RBO Recruitment 2023: Apply for 194 posts at, details here

 SBI to recruit for 194 Retired Bank Officer posts. Eligible candidates can apply at

State Bank of India has invited applications from candidates for Retired Bank Officer posts. Eligible candidates can apply online through the official site of SBI at This recruitment drive will fill up 194 posts in the organization.

The registration process begins on June 15 and will end on July 6, 2023. Read below for eligibility, selection process and other details.

Important Dates
Opening date of application: June 15, 2023
Closing date of application: July 6, 2023

Vacancy Details
FLC Counsellors: 182 posts
FLC Directors: 12 posts
Eligibility Criteria
Candidates who want to apply for the posts can check the educational qualification and age limit through the Detailed Notification available here.

Selection Process
The selection process comprises of shortlisting of candidates and interview round. Interview will carry 100 marks. The qualifying marks in interview will be decided by the Bank. Merit list for final selection will be prepared in descending order of scores obtained in interview only, subject to candidate scoring minimum qualifying marks. Intimation/ call letter for interview will be sent by email or will be uploaded on Bank's website.


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